Sebastian Murdoch (Fiction, June 2019) has a new short story “Piecemeal” out in Crow and Cross Keys.

Pam Petro’s (Nonfiction, MFA faculty) book The Long Field, has been shortlisted for the Wales Book of the Year Award.

Jon D. Lee (Poetry, January 2017) Has a poem “Las Meninas” in the Summer 2022 issue of Sugar House Review. He is also featured in an interview in MassPoetry, discussing his poetry collection IN/DESIDERATO.

Jason Reynolds (WFYP, MFA faculty) has a four-part audio series “My Mother Made Me” on Radiotopia Presents, where he explores his shared history with his mother, Isabell.

Jasmine Warga’s (WFYP, June 2013) YA novel A Rover’s Story received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has poem “Independence Day” in the current issue of Triggerfish Critical Review.

Steven Cramer (Poetry, MFA faculty) has a poem “Dismal Harmony” in the current issue of the Cimarron Review.

Leland Cheuk (Fiction, June 2008) has a short story “Uncle Juicy’s America Boy” in the current issue of Prairie Schooner.

Karin Cecile Davison (Fiction, June 2009) has received the 2022 Acacia Fiction Prize from Kallisto Gaia Press for her story collection The Geography of First Kisses.

Angelo D’Amato, Jr. (Fiction, June 2020) has a poem “In the Space-Farer’s Sick Bay” in the Summer 2022 issue of New Note Poetry. He will also be participating this August in the 30/30 Project of Tupelo Press.

Tyler Woodsmall’s (Fiction, June 2020) graphic novel Amputation Capital, co-written with Neil Gibson for TPub Comics, had a Kickstarter release starting on July 28th.

Deborah Sosin (Nonfiction, January 2015) has an essay “Self-Editing Mantras to Enhance Your Revision Process” in the current issue of Brevity.

Jill Johnson (Nonfiction, January 2017) is hosting a day-long writers retreat on August 27th in Brattleboro, Vermont; registration details here.

Amber Wong (Nonfiction, January 2014) has a creative nonfiction piece, “To the Men I’ve Talked Out of Leaving Their Wives” in the “Beautiful Things” feature of River Teeth.

Sara Farizan (WFYP, January 2012) is featured in an article in Publishers Weekly talking about her current projects: a YA novel Dead Flip, and a middle grade graphic novel, My Buddy, Killer Croc.

Wendy Pierman Mitzel (Fiction, January 2017) has a short story, “A Deep Breath Slowly,” recently published in Humans of the World.
Do you have any recent writing successes or news you’d like to share with the Cambridge Common Writers community? Let us know by reaching out to us at [email protected]!
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