Deborah Sosin (Nonfiction, January 2015) has an essay “What Matthew Perry Taught Us” in Cognoscenti. Julie Wittes Schlack (Nonfiction, June 2013) has an essay “Nostalgia is Lovely, and a Waste of Time” in Cognoscenti. Karin Cecile Davidson (Fiction, […]
For this interview, we had the pleasure of talking with Thato Mwosa about the enriching experience of working with teens in her films, teaching students at the Lesley MFA in Creative Writing program as an alum, and using […]
Check out the below video to watch the Cambridge Common Writers-hosted book launch for Jody Hobbs Hesler’s (Fiction, June 2017) short story collection, What Makes You Think You’re Supposed to Feel Better. The grisly death of the hermit […]
Steven Cramer, Departures From Rilke, Arrowsmith Press, 2023. Review by Michael Mercurio In Departures From Rilke, Steven Cramer’s most recent collection of poems, we encounter a great contemporary poetic mind — a “lab geek,” to borrow from his version […]
Thato Mwosa’s (WSS, June 2017; MFA Faculty) short film, “Stay Here With Me,” has been selected to be a part of the prestigious Cucalorus Film Festival in Wilmington, NC. Cindy House (Fiction, June 2017; MFA Faculty) is featured […]
Check out the below video to watch the Cambridge Common Writers-hosted book launch for Nada Samih-Rotondo’s (Fiction, June 2012) debut memoir, All Water Has Perfect Memory. Life changed forever for six-year-old Nada following Iraq’s invasion of her birth country, […]
In this conversation with Cassie M. Seinuk, one of our WSS alums who also went on to teach at the Lesley MFA in Creative Writing program, we learned several of her tricks of the trade, including using other […]
the TONIC, a new literary journal affiliated with the MFA Program at Lesley University, has published its inaugural issue. AJ Verdelle (Fiction, MFA faculty) served as the guest editor for the inaugural issue of the TONIC, and is […]
A speculative fiction writer with a passion for liminal spaces and using fantastical elements to explore real-world issues, David Farrow shares the importance of “courting the muse,” giving back to the writing community, and adapting his Neverglades series […]