
Check out the below video to watch the Cambridge Common Writers-hosted book launch for Jody Hobbs Hesler’s (Fiction, June 2017) short story collection, What Makes You Think You’re Supposed to Feel Better.

The grisly death of the hermit outsider in a tight-knit neighborhood prompts a young mom to yearn for solitude. A man wrestles with regrets from a 30-year-old affair while his wife hovers toward death in the ICU. An older, childless woman aches to rescue the seemingly mistreated child she observes in the grocery store. And a girl’s desire to avoid the party her father dragged her to nearly gets her abducted. Told with restraint and deep compassion against the backdrop of Virginia back streets and small towns, Jody Hobbs Hesler’s debut collection shines with its portraits of longing, disconnection, and the ache for renewal and redemption that comes from our own frailties.

Jody Hobbs Hesler lives, writes, and teaches writing in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Her short stories, feature articles, book reviews, and essays have appeared in a range of places including CRAFT, North American Review online, Gargoyle, Raleigh Review, Pithead Chapel, the Rumpus, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Prime Number Magazine, Change Seven, Streetlight, Sequestrum, and more. She has also published dozens of articles in a range of local interest magazines as well as book reviews in [PANK], The Georgia Review, and elsewhere.

Purchase What Makes You Think You’re Supposed to Feel Better here

Visit Jody’s Author Website here

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