
If you’re near Pittsburgh, PA, consider stopping by City Books where Bonita Lee Penn (Poetry, January 2015) will be signing copies of her latest poetry collection, When the Trees Finally Testify. Light refreshments will be served.
Jason Reynolds (WFYP, MFA faculty) has had a busy month. First, he was awarded a 2024 MacArthur Fellowship. He also announced that he is founding Heirloom Literary & Media, a new literary agency. He appeared on The Daily […]


Come join Facilitator Ella Nathanael Alkiewicz (she/her) (Nonfiction, June 2018) for this workshop on Saturday, Oct. 26th. Bring your pen and paper. Attendees will visit across the rectangles and hear stories, jam a little, and then write. Each […]
Enzo Silon Surin (Poetry, 2012) has a new podcast It’s a Poetic Life w/Enzo the Poet up on Spotify. He is also offering poetry consultations through his website and a Masterclass for beginner poets. Caitlin Krause (Poetry, June, […]


MFA Poetry Faculty Kevin Prufer, Erin Belieu, and Adrian Matejka will be reading at the KGB Bar in New York City as part of its Monday Night Poetry Series. Must be 21+ to attend, doors open at 7pm.
The swelter of August may be easing soon, but Lesley alums are maintaining a torrid pace of achievement! Check their out new publications, interviews, and more: Jasmine Warga’s (WFYP, June 2013) novel, A Rover’s Story, was highlighted by Publishers Weekly as one […]


The New England Poetry Club teams up with the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown to present a poetry reading, featuring poets Cynthia Bargar, Elizabeth Bradfield, and Christine Jones (Poetry, January 2014). A Q&A session will follow. All readings […]
Candice Iloh (WFYP, June 2017) is interviewed about writing, reading, and recent works in the “First Draft” column of The Republic. Hurley Winkler (Fiction, January 2017) is interviewed about “the magic of creative community” in The Honeycomb. Julie […]
Enzon Silon Surin, PureSpark


Featuring Enzo Silon Surin (Poetry, 2012)! Join PureSpark, BEAM, and the Boston Public Library for an in-depth and compelling conversation with folks who have lived experience, who have been through mental health struggles, and use their experience and resilience […]
Jacqueline Berkman (Fiction, June 2023) has a short story “The Mechanical Bull” in the Summer 2024 issue of The Coachella Review. Tony Eprile (Fiction, MFA faculty) has an essay “Bards Behind Bars: Reading Sartre Aloud Inside a Maximum-Security […]