Thato Mwosa (WSS, June 2017) has a new short film Something To Tell You, that she has been making in collaboration with Girls Inc., an organization that focuses on the development of the whole girl. You can see a trailer here.

Jennifer LeBlanc (Poetry, June 2012) has a poem “Endurance” in the Fall 2022 issue of Consequence, and “Chart Reading” in Coffin Bell.

Frances Donovan (Poetry, June 2019) will be teaching a series of classes “The Poetry They Didn’t Teach You in School” in Roslindale, MA, 11/2-12/13, details here.

Jasmine Warga’s (WFYP, June 2013) middle school novel A Rover’s Story debuted on the New York Times bestseller list. It is also cited by Publishers Weekly as a Best Book of 2022 in the middle-grade category.

Celia Jeffries’ (Fiction, 2008) novel Blue Desert was featured in Midwest Book Review.

Deborah Sosin (Nonfiction, January 2015) edited Jonathan Gibbon’s recently released book The Way of Acceptance: A Practical Guide to Dealing With Life.

Kate Kearns’ (Poetry, June 2008) first full-length poetry collection will be published by Littoral Books in the summer of 2023.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has five poems from his chapbook A Can of Pinto Beans translated into Spanish, now appearing in the Mexican journal Hiedra. His essay “A Murmuration of Stones” is included in the new collection from Pangyrus titled Next: Visions Toward A Less-Divided America.

Rebecca Joy (Fiction, January 2017) has an essay on exhibit at the Lunder Arts Center at Lesley University.
Do you have any recent writing successes or news you’d like to share with the Cambridge Common Writers community? Let us know by reaching out to us at [email protected]!
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