Enzo Silon Surin’s (Poetry, 2012) poem “When Night Fills with Premature Exits” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Black Lawrence Press. The poem was also featured recently on Poets.org.

Jody Hobbs Hesler’s (June, 2017) short story “Grown-Up Party” from her collection What Makes You Think You’re Supposed to Feel Better was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Cornerstone Press.

Amy Mevorach’s (Nonfiction, January 2023) essay “A Pearl, A Thumb, A Fish,” which appears in the Spring 2023 issue of Boulevard Magazine, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by former pushcart winner Nicole Graev Lipson.

Robbie Gamble’s (Nonfiction, June 2020) essay “Barriers” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the editors of Essential Voices: a COVID-19 Anthology. He also has a poem, “Abundance” in the Fall-Winter 2023-24 issue of Valparaiso Poetry Review.

Katherine Karch (WFYP, June 2018) was accepted into SFWA (the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association). She is featured in an interview about her writing life in Radon Journal.

Benjamin Roesch (Fiction, January 2016) is co-hosting a podcast Perspectives on Pages along with Robin Stevens, “a deep discursive dive into all things books, publishing, and writing.”

Lisa Robinson (WFYP, June 2011) has a new picture book Gifts from Georgia’s Garden: How Georgia O’Keefe Nourished Her Art, published by Penguin Random House.

Julia Leef (Fiction, June 2018) has a short story “Don’t Leave the Grim Reaper on Read” published in Wyldblood Press.

Jill F Johnson (Nonfiction, January 2017) has an essay “The Promised Land” in the Winter 2023 issue of Solstice Literary Magazine.

Laurie Foos (Fiction, MFA faculty) has a short story “The Star Fairy” in the Winter 2023 issue of Solstice Literary Magazine.

Rhiannon Vaughn (WSS, January 2019) is featured in an interview “Rising Stars: Meet Rhiannon Vaughn” in Voyage ATL.

A.J. Verdelle (Fiction, MFA faculty) has an essay “Why Black Jesus Made My Grandmother Uncomfortable” in The Atlantic.

Pam Petro (Nonfiction, MFA faculty) has an essay “Shadows and Reflections” in Caught by the River.

Andrea Wang (WFYP, June 2011) received a starred review from Kirkus for her forthcoming middle-school novel Summer at Squee. She is also on the Reading Rockets list of 100 Children’s Authors and Illustrators Everyone Should Know.

David Farrow (Fiction, June 2022) has three stories featured in a new anthology The Neverglades: Multiverse Chronicles.

Axie Oh (WFYP, June 2017) has a new novel ASAP, now available for preorder from HarperCollins.

Celeste Mohammed (Fiction, June 2016) has published a new nonfiction book A Different Energy: Women in Caribbean Oil & Gas.

Jason Reynolds (WFYP, MFA faculty) is on the Reading Rockets list of 100 Children’s Authors and Illustrators Everyone Should Know.

Angelo D’Amato (Fiction, June 2020) has several poems published in the latest issue of Men Matters Online Journal.
Do you have any recent writing successes or news you’d like to share with the Cambridge Common Writers community? Let us know by reaching out to us at [email protected]!
If you are an alum who would like to see the full 2024 January Residency schedule, please email us at [email protected].
Opportunities for Writers!
MFA Writing Faculty in WSS, Sinan Ünel, will be taking private Playwright and Screenwriter students and small groups starting in January. He is offering a four-month structure for writing a FULL-LENGTH SCRIPT, SCRIPT DOCTOR services, and a four-week TEN-MINUTE PLAY WORKSHOP. If interested, please contact Sinan at [email protected].
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