Cindy House (Fiction, June 2017) has an interview in Publishers Weekly about her forthcoming book, Mother Noise.

Lisa Weiss (Fiction, June 2015) has an essay “For My Father” in the Spring 2022 issue of Fine Lines.

Rahima Rice (WSS, January 2019) has an essay “The Hard Reality of Teaching the Whole Child” in The Daring. Her fiction series, On The Outside: Looking In At Yolanda, continues on on medium.com.

Caitlin T.D. Robinson (WFYP, June 2018) has three poems in the 2022 issue of Bindweed Magazine.

Jasmine Warga’s (WFYP, June 2013) YA Novel The Shape of Thunder has been shortlisted for the Barnes & Noble Children’s and YA Book Awards.

Kelly Fig-Smith (Non-Fiction, June 2018) has two poems in the Winter 2022 issue of the Lily Poetry Review.

Michael Mercurio (Poetry, January 2017) has a poem in the Winter 2022 issue of the Lily Poetry Review.

Mary Honaker (Poetry, June 2016) has a poem in the Winter 2022 issue of the Lily Poetry Review.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has a poem in the Winter 2022 issue of the Lily Poetry Review, and a poem in Molecule: a Tiny Lit Mag.

Thato Mwosa (WSS, June, 2017) was featured in an article about her film Memoirs of a Black Girl in the Patriot Ledger.

Jason Reynolds (WFYP, MFA faculty) is featured in an article in Publishers Weekly.

Julie Wittes Schlack (Nonfiction, June 2013) has an article “Leaving Cambridge for the Comfort of Strangers” in The Boston Globe.
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