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ENTROPY Workshop with L Scully

September 29 November 3 EST

ENTROPY is a five week, virtual, generative writing workshop hosted by L Scully (Nonfiction, January 2023)

We are living in a conundrum of degradation. Our bodies age, the State is falling, disorder(s) run rampant in our minds. God feels random and chaos feels inevitable. There is no choice but to write toward uncertainty. Cope, world-build, freak out, investigate together. 

The structure of this workshop is a weekly meeting of two hours and includes two separate section groups to accommodate scheduling. Each week we will produce the beginnings of 2+ new pieces of writing based on original prompts provided by L live and in session. There is also opportunity to share our collective woes, check in, and meet writing partners. One piece of your choice will be critiqued by the group in a supportive and curious environment. We welcome new and seasoned writers alike, as well as anyone who wants to get into a regular and dedicated creative practice. Classes will be held over GoogleMeet.

Suggested sliding scale is $150-250 for the five week course. If the proposed payment scale is not reasonable for your situation, please email L to work something out at [email protected]. They would love to work with you.

Section A:
Sundays Sept. 29 – Nov. 3
2-4pm EST (no class 10/13, lesbian wedding)

Section B:
Wednesdays Oct. 3 – Oct. 30
6-8pm EST

$150 – $250

L Scully

Online Event