July Westhale (Poetry, June 2013) is featured on the Lesley University Why We Write podcast in “July Westhale Goes to the Moon’s Moon.” Andrea Wang (WFYP, June 2011) is interviewed in The Picture Book Buzz about her forthcoming […]


Alum Amy Jenness (Nonfiction, January 2021) interviews her former mentor Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Comics & Graphic Novels, MFA Writing Faculty) about Pam’s 2021 memoir, The Long Field: A Memoir, Wales, and the Presence of Absence.
KB Ballentine (Poetry, June 2007) has two poems, “Something Sacred” and “Blessing of the Birds,” in the new anthology I Thought I Heard a Cardinal Sing: Ohio’s Appalachian Voices, from Sheila-Na-Gig Editions. Rosalind Kaplan (Nonfiction, June 2020) has […]


Next up in our series of March interviews is Kelly Fig Smith! Kelly talks to us about using poetry as a means of working through writer’s block, the important power held within the hands of teachers, and the […]
Laurie Foos (Fiction, MFA Faculty) has a short story “Do Not Touch The Stars” in the Spring 2022 issue of The Gateway Review: A Journal of Magical Realism. July Westhale (Poetry, June 2013) is featured in the CLMP […]
Jon D. Lee (Poetry, January 2017) has an article “Complicity & the Rise of the Post-Human Poem” in the February 2022 issue of The Writer’s Chronicle. Andrea Wang (WFYP, June 2011) is featured in an article “Andrea Wang […]


We’ve all read the popular New York Times Modern Love column. What you might not know is that the Times receives thousands of submissions for the 50 essays it publishes each year, making it one of the most sought-after spots for both […]
Andrea Wang (WFYP, June 2011) has been awarded a 2022 Caldecott Medal, a Newbery Honor Medal, and the Asian/Pacific Islander Award for Literature for her picture book, Watercress. Read more about the experience from the perspective of her […]


Join Odyssey Bookshop both in person and online on Thursday, February 10 at 7 PM for a reading and discussion of Julie Wittes-Schlack’s (Nonfiction, June 2013) new novel, Burning and Dodging. She will be joined in conversation by Pamela Petro (Nonfiction, […]
Virginia Ryan (Fiction, January 2018) has an essay, “Unforgettable,” in the 2021 issue of The Broad River Review. Cynthia Platt (WFYP, June 2014) has a new picture book, Easter Starring Egg!, published by HMH Books. Rex Arrasmith (Fiction, […]