
New York Welsh hosts a monthly meet-up at The Liberty NYC in Manhattan, New York City. In September, they are joined by Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty), author of The Long Field, Wales and […]


As part of the annual Owain Glyndwr celebraton celebration, author Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) will present her new book: The Long Field – Wales and the Presence of Absence, a Memoir. The Long […]


Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) has written a  a meditation on the Welsh notion of hiraeth, which translates as “the long field,” a metaphor for homesickness and longing. Hiraeth expands in meaning as Petro weaves together Welsh […]


Pam Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) is an author, artist, and educator living in Northampton, Massachusetts. She was recently made an honorary Fellow of the University of Wales, and has received both literary and visual […]


Join the Francie & Finch Bookshop to welcome Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) as she introduces her newest memoir. The publication of The Long Field will coincide with the Welsh American Festival happening from August 30th […]


Please join MainStreet BookEnds of Warner to celebrate the US book launch of The Long Field: Wales and the Presence of Absence – A Memoir with author Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) in conversation […]


Join Books on the Square on Thursday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. for a reading and discussion with Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novels & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty), author of The Long Field. Hiraeth is a Welsh word that’s […]


Pamela Petro (Nonfiction/Graphic Novel & Comics, MFA Writing Faculty) visits Wellesley Books in Wellesley, MA to discuss The Long Field, an intimate memoir of belonging and loss and a mesmerizing travelogue through the landscapes and language of Wales.


Science has shown that the best way to help our kids become independent, kind, and happy is by talking with them. And yet we often find ourselves distracted, exhausted, or at a loss as to how to have […]
Candice Iloh (WFYP, June 2017) received a starred review in Kirkus for their forthcoming novel in verse, Salt the Water. Katherine Karch (WFYP, June 2018) has a story, “The Wielder Does Not Know Regret” in the August 2023 […]