Celeste Mohammed (Fiction, June 2016) has a short story “Terre Brulee” which has been shortlisted for the 2024 Commonwealth Short Story Prize.

Saraciea J. Fennell’s (WFYP, January 2020) short story anthology The Black Girl Survives This One, was ranked #14 in the Young Adult category of the Indie Bestsellers List. It was also highlighted on the “Read This Next!” list, a project of the Southern Independent Booksellers Association.

Tracey Baptiste’s (WFYP, MFA faculty) middle-grade novel Moko Magic: Carnival Chaos is listed as a 2024 Summer Read by Publishers Weekly.

Sara Levine (Nonfiction/WFYP, January 2006) had the world rights for her new picture book How We Fly bought by Astra Young Readers; publication scheduled for Spring 2025.

Sharisse Zeroonian (WSS, January 2024) is featured in an article in The Belmont Voice, “Filmmaker Turns Life Into Engaging Television,” where she discusses the production of a new installment of her Amazon Prime series One Plus One Is Two.

Erin Cecile Thomas (Fiction, January 2023) has a short story “The Shed” in the Winter/Spring 2024 issue of Alaska Quarterly Review.

Cynthia Sally Haggard (Fiction, June 2015) has a Substack, where she discusses writing, books, an author’s life, research trips. In short anything and everything to do with being an Indie Author.

Jennifer LeBlanc (Poetry, June 2012) has a poem “Narratives” in the Spring 2024 issue of J Journal.

Kevin Prufer (Poetry, MFA faculty) has a new novel Sleepaway, published by University of Chicago Press. He also has a poem “Memory” in Verse Daily.

Enzo Surin Silon (Poetry, 2012) has a poem “Elegy for the American Dream” in Verse Daily.

Julie Cyr’s (Poetry, January 2017) poem “Leda in the Gulf” is poem of the month in Mom Egg Review.

Jon D. Lee (Poetry, January 2017) has two new poems out: “Come see what we have wrought How blindness veils” in Solstice: A Magazine of Diverse Voices, and “Pig Shit Cannon” in Narrative.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has two new poems out: “Knead” in the current issue of Pensive Journal, and “Stung” in the current issue of Ballast. His chapbook A Can of Pinto Beans was listed in Shepherd as one of “My Favorite Books Portraying the Human Side of the Immigration ‘Crisis’.”

Sara Zarr (WFYP, MFA faculty) has a podcast “Are We There Yet? Understanding Adolescent Grief” on Acast.

Candice Iloh (WFYP, June, 2017) is interviewed on The Mighty Writers Podcast, where they discuss identity, authorship, and their novel in verse Salt the Water.

Katie Cotugno (Fiction, June 2015) has a new YA novel Hemlock House coming out with Penguin Random House, now available for preorder.

Hayley Krischer’s (Fiction, June 2009) novel Where Are You, Echo Blue? is reviewed in Publishers Weekly.

Frances Donovan (Poetry, June 2019) received a 2024 Grant for Creative Individuals from the Mass Cultural Council.
Upcoming Events
May 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Zoom Webinar: The Modern Art of War – Hunter Liguore
Online Zoom Event
Sun Tzu’s Art of War has been read mostly as a book of war strategies that teaches us how to beat our opponents on the battlefield. The Modern Art of War presents a new interpretation: it isn’t about conquering your enemies, devising strategies to overtake armies, or getting ahead against your competitors. Instead, the real […]
May 5 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EDT
Here in Sanctuary–Whirling Book Launch with D. Dina Friedman
Anchor House of Artists 518 Pleasant Street, Northampton, Massachusetts, United States
Join the Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Massachusetts for a book launch and reading from Here in Sanctuary–Whirling by D. Dina Friedman (Fiction, January 2016), a collection of poems taken from the author’s journey to the Brownsville/Matamoros border and her work in the immigration justice movement.
May 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Arrowsmith Press Reading with Steven Cramer, Diane Mehta and Christopher Merrill
Grolier Poetry Book Shop 6 Plympton Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Join Arrowsmith Press for a reading with Steven Cramer (Poetry, MFA Writing Faculty), Diane Mehta and Christopher Merrill with an introduction by Askold Melnyczuk. This event will be available both in-person and online.
May 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT
Why and How to Perform Your Poetry (Well) with Shari Caplan and Jennifer Jean
Online Zoom
There’s nothing like an amazing poetry reading! These are the events where readers are not onlyprepared, they’re authentic, compelling, charismatic, and memorable. Why is this kind of readingimportant for you as a poet and for society at large? And how can you give this kind of reading?You’ll leave this 2-hour, interactive presentation with solid knowledge […]
Resources & Opportunities
- Writers for Democratic Action is inviting people to perform their five-player script, “It Can’t Happen Here,” in conjunction with other groups across the nation on Friday July 19, 2024. Visit their website for more information.
Do you have any recent writing successes or news you’d like to share with the Cambridge Common Writers community? Let us know by reaching out to us at lesleycambridgecommon@gmail.com!
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