Julie Wittes Schlack’s (Nonfiction, June 2013) debut novel, Burning and Dodging, will be released in December 2021, and is now available for preorder from Black Rose Writing.

Danielle Legros Georges (MFA Program Director) has been awarded a PEN America 2022 Literary Grant for her translation from the French of Balafres by Marie-Célie Agnant

Jason Reynolds’ (WFYP, MFA Faculty), appointment as National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, is being extended by the Library of Congress for a third year.

Caitlin T.D. Robinson (WFYP, June 2018) has two poems, “In High Summer” and “Honeymoon: Iceland” in the Fall 2021 issue of Willow Wept Review.

Amber Wong (Nonfiction, January 2014) has an essay “The Hierarchy of Soup” out in CRAFT.

Pamela Petro’s (Nonfiction, MFA Faculty) new memoir, The Long Field, is reviewed in Nation.Cymru.

Jane Brox (Nonfiction, MFA Faculty) has an essay, “Hiraeth and Hwyll: The Home Path,” in The Clearing. Her essay was inspired by Pam Petro’s memoir, The Long Field.

Eileen Cleary (Poetry, June 2016) is featured in an interview, “All In: Lily Poetry Review Goes from Zero to 60,” about the process of building and publishing the Lily Poetry Review and Lily Poetry Review Books ,in Boog City.

Tracey Baptiste’s (WFYP, MFA Faculty) forthcoming picture book, Looking for a Jumbie, received starred reviews from School Library Review and Kirkus.

Andrea Wang (WFYP, June 2011) is featured on the Lesley podcast Why We Write, discussing her two books: The Many Meanings of Meilan and Watercress, and recalling her experience of growing up Chinese-American in the Midwest.
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