Olivia Thomes (Poetry, June 2019) is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Hare’s Paw Literary Journal, and she has published an inaugural issue this month.

Michael Mercurio (Poetry, January 2017) has a poem, “Before I lived in this house someone else did” in the September 2021 issue of THRUSH.

Aaron Wallace (Poetry, June 2019) has a poem, “Nurse Clarence Plays the Game” in the inaugural issue of Hare’s Paw Literary Review.

Frances Donovan (Poetry, June 2019) has a poem, “cross-country suite” in the inaugural issue of Hare’s Paw Literary Review.

Shari Caplan’s (Poetry, June 2014) poem, “Zoe Leonard at the Whitney” appears in A&U: America’s AIDS Magazine.

Angelo A. D’Amato Jr. (Fiction, June 2020) has a short story, “Before the Microbes Come” in the inaugural issue of Hare’s Paw Literary Review.

D.Dina Friedman (Fiction, January 2016) has a short story, “The Snake” in Sublunary Review.

Joan Houlihan (Poetry, MFA Faculty) has a poem, “Self Portrait Overpainted” in the inaugural issue of Hare’s Paw Literary Review.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has a poem, “Rwanda” in the inaugural issue of Hare’s Paw Literary Review.

Christine Jones’ (Poetry, January 2014) poem “On Seeing You, My Son, Overmedicated for the First Time” appears in Pangyrus.

Gene Luetkemeyer (Fiction, May 2015) has a short story, “Geometry of the External World” in the current issue of the Shabdaaweg Review.

Buki Papillon’s (Fiction, June 2017) novel An Ordinary Wonder is reviewed in The New York Times.

Robbie Gamble’s (Nonfiction, June 2020) essay, “A Murmuration of Stones” appears in Pangyrus.
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