Laurie Foos (Fiction, MFA Faculty) has a short story “Do Not Touch The Stars” in the Spring 2022 issue of The Gateway Review: A Journal of Magical Realism.

July Westhale (Poetry, June 2013) is featured in the CLMP (Community of Literary Magazines & Presses) Reading List for Women’s History Month 2022, for her poetry collection, bright news of gladiolas.

Julie Wittes Schlack (nonfiction, June 2013) is featured in the CLMP (Community of Literary Magazines & Presses) Reading List for Women’s History Month 2022, for her essay collection This All-at-Onceness.

Kevin Prufer (Poetry, MFA Faculty) has a poem “A Body of Work” in the current issue of the Bennington Review.

Lyz Lenz (Fiction, June, 2011) has a timely article “On the Dance Floor, Waiting for War” up on her blog, Men Yell at Me.

Cindy Hunter Morgan (Poetry, June 2016), Eileen Cleary (Poetry, June 2016), and Jon D. Lee (Poetry, January 2017) all have poems in the “Home” issue of Short Edition Story Machines, a project of Michigan State University Libraries.

Celia Jeffries (Nonfiction, 2008) has a short story “You Are HERE” in Switch: A Magazine of Microfiction.

Celeste Mohammed (Fiction, June 2016) is on the long list for the 2022 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature for her novel Pleasantview.

Cindy House (Fiction, June 2017) received a starred review in Publishers Weekly for her forthcoming book, Mother Noise: A Memoir.

Rahima Rice (WSS, January 2019) is launching a fiction series, On The Outside: Looking In At Yolanda, on Medium.com.

Steven Cramer (Poetry, MFA Faculty) has an essay, “Dickinson’s Fascicle 16: A Book Review,” in the current issue of Plume.

Axie Oh’s (WFYP, June 2017) new novel, The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, has been reviewed in the New York Times.

Rebecca Rolland (Fiction, June 2017) will give a presentation on her book The Art of Talking with Children at Trident Booksellers in Boston, 3/24/22.

Robbie Gamble (Poetry, January 2017) has a poem, “Nocturne on a Bed of Couscous,” in the Spring 2022 issue of Sheila-Na-Gig.
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